3DCollective – Real Light 24 HDRi Pro Pack 03
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Archive : 3DCollective – Real Light 24 HDRi Pro Pack 03 Digital Download
Salepage : 3DCollective – Real Light 24 HDRi Pro Pack 03
Delivery : Online With Any Device
IBL (Image Base Lighting) is one of the most widely used techniques for lighting 3D projects. It involves utilizing a 360-degree high dynamic range image (HDRi) as a lighting source to as accurately as possible mimic the real sky conditions at the moment of capture. However, this method has some significant drawbacks, which is why improper HDRi may lead to issues with lighting our projects and can provide poorer results than the automated sky and sun systems found in most render engines.
This third HDRi Pro Pack offers additional lighting options for pros and includes a variety of 24 HDRi that may be used independently of the other Packs while also properly complementing them.
High quality pictures that were shot at the same moment that each HDRi was captured are also included in this new Pack. These pictures perfectly match the qualities of the HDRi itself, making them perfect for use as backplates in your renders.
INCLUDES: Three HDRi Sunny Clears, eight HDRi Sun Visible with Clouds
3 HDRi Clouds and sunset
3 HDRi Overcast 3 HDRi Cloudy in spots
2 HDRi Clouds in the night
HDRi 2 Clear Night