Walk The Mystical Christos Path – Alexander John Shaia
New 7-Week Live Video Course Starts
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Enter the mystical heart of Christianity by transcending ego-centered limitations, and embrace the profound truth of our cosmic oneness as revealed in the Gospel of John.
Allow the mystical Christos to illuminate your path, guiding you toward deeper love, balance, and the beauty of a life aligned with divine grace.
Do you ever feel disconnected from traditional interpretations of Christianity? Perhaps you may resonate with a more mystical approach to Christianity that celebrates oneness as a way of relating to God, others, and all of creation…
Amid both global turmoil and personal challenges, tapping into a deeper reality can ground you in peace. However, the spiritual path can sometimes leave you feeling lost or unsure…
It’s during these moments of doubt that you’re called to make a significant leap forward — embracing the truth of your wholeness as a cosmic and eternal being.
You’ll find implicit, yet loving instructions on how to discover this profound sense of oneness in the mystical Gospel of John, says Alexander John Shaia, founder of Quadratos: Four Paths, One Journey of Transformation and a former student of Joseph Campbell.
Alexander John is one of the most innovative thinkers in the field of spiritual transformation through the true heart of Christianity. His exploration of this ancient text transcends traditional understanding as he calls upon his Middle Eastern Aramaic roots, his work as a Jungian psychologist, and his devotion to mystical Christianity.
Within this often-misunderstood gospel lies the hidden mystical “Christos” — a refreshing interpretation of the true nature of Christ as a cosmic reality that can guide you to transform — from uncertainty and disconnection to a sense of deep peace and unity — no matter what’s happening in your life or in the world around you.
You’re invited to join Alexander John for a transformative 7-week live video course as you journey into the mystical teachings of the Christos and the Gospel of John’s deep truths about the leap we must make to experience the oneness of the cosmos and of our human family.
He’ll explain how each gospel reveals how to walk one of the four paths of transformation — and serves as a here-and-now experience of the eternal Christos.
Through the Aramaic translations Alexander John uncovered the hidden truth that the four canonical gospels were chosen because each of the texts aligns with Yeshua/Jesus’ wisdom teachings on one of the four paths of transformation.
To know the four paths is to touch the eternal. When you know the path, any anxiety about the moment at hand moves into a larger frame.
As you journey through this spiritual wisdom, you’ll unlock insights that can bring clarity, harmony, and purpose into your everyday life, helping you make the leap from limitation to the infinite potential of your soul.
Alexander John will also explain the significance of using the Greek term Christos and how these teachings can facilitate a deeper connection, peace, and harmony in today’s world. You’ll learn how to access a mystical experience of unity, while avoiding the pitfalls of ego-minded or unchecked spiritual energies that can lead to harm.
Alexander John designed this illuminating and highly practical course for everyone — including practitioners of any world tradition, spiritual seekers, and those who are curious about mystical Christianity.
Each week, you’ll experience the Gospel of John not only as a religious text, but as a mystical map for your spiritual evolution — one that can help you peacefully and effectively navigate the most difficult moments of your life.
Module 1: Experience How Earth Embodies the Christos & Feel More Connected to the Common Journey We’re All Making (November 12)
Seekers and Christians alike have suffered from severely flawed translations of the mystic John, and the gospel that bears his name.
The repercussions of these errors have been severe, contributing to emotional strife, genocide, and the ravages of war.
As this course begins, Alexander John will correct these critical misinterpretations, enabling the text to again serve as a source of profound healing, sensual beauty, and a resounding message of oneness.
You’ll also explore why Spirit and matter are one, and why every cell of the cosmos, as well as each of our cells, makes up the Christos.
As Alexander John will share, no matter which tradition you’re part of (or not part of), we’re all making the same journey.
In this opening module, you’ll:
Establish a foundation of freedom and safety to guide your learning
Explore the distinct meanings and implications of the two names: Yeshua (Jesus) and the Christos (Christ)
Discover the mystical narratives of the Christos — a core and eternal truth that permeates time and every cell of the cosmos
Explore a more accurate translation of the mystical gospel of John
Understand why nothing comes into being except through the Holy One’s breath, which is not a moment of time but every moment of ALL time
Connect to the larger embodiment of the universal Christos during a meditation, “Breathing the Christos”
Module 2: Touch the Eternal Through the 4 Paths to Ease Your Anxiety as You Understand Life in a Larger Context (November 19)
World spirituality, psychology, and great mythic stories reveal that all transformative processes hold to a core pattern. This pattern can be viewed as having four stages or paths.
The great mythologist Joseph Campbell describes this journey as the mono-myth or “one great story” with billions of scripts, happening across the cosmos.
Through his studies, Alexander John discerned how Christianity’s four gospels came to be chosen as the story of the Christos — and exemplars of the four stages of transformation.
In this module, you’ll explore:
The map of the 4-path journey of transformation to create greater ease and connection during your personal journey of transformation
How each of the 4 paths connects to one gospel — and how these are universal themes
How John is a mystical text about how to navigate a Third Path experience
The tremendous gifts and urgent challenges of the Third Path
A guided meditation, “Walk the Eighth”
Module 3: Experience Your Own Journey of Transformation in Each Moment When You Understand the Crux (or Cross) of the Christos Across Human Time (November 26)
The cross is a symbol that’s been known across the world for at least 8,000 years. Its original shape is four-armed and equidistant like that of a plus sign (+).
Alexander John will guide you in exploring the original shape of the cross and its meaning, along with how and why the shape changed. You’ll understand how the Cross of the Christos is a different reality than the instrument of death on which Yeshua hung.
Finally, you’ll experience the mystical Third Path truth of Yeshua’s death as given to us by John. In truth, there is no equivocation or suffering.
As the text shows, Yeshua is totally in command and quite serene if not ecstatic. Through this Passion we are also given the grace to experience our own great labors with deep equanimity.
In this module, you’ll explore:
The meaning of the equidistant cross across human history — it was a well-known image in the Middle East some 2,000 years before Yeshua/Jesus
The Cross of the Christos as a brilliant image of healing and wholeness
John’s account of Yeshua’s “death” as a Third Path experience of new creation and union with the Christos
A guided meditation focused on how Yeshua dies and rises in this text of the Third Path — revealing how we may experience equanimity and even joy amid our own Third Path deaths and transformation
How the passion in John actually depicts a woman’s labor while giving birth — there is agony, yet what remains is the gift of what happens through this process
Module 4: Harmonize Opposite Perspectives & Emotions Within Yourself Through the Symbolism of the Wedding (December 3)
Many of us have been taught that light must defeat dark, but, as Alexander John will explain, this idea splits the cosmos, and as a result, it splits each one of us. Aramaic (Yeshua/Jesus’ original language) talks about how light and dark play together and that there’s no such thing as an absolute opposite.
In the mystical writings of John, the wedding serves as an image of spirit and matter, and all of us, as inherently one — an incorruptible union across all time and beyond. John’s mysticism shouts the great truth: We, plus spirit and matter, are inexorably joined.
Alexander John will guide you to explore the images of stone and weddings in various cultures, as well as the archetypal wedding in John.
As he’ll explain, this mystical story reveals a universal truth: each of us is a unique tapestry composed of opposites that gradually manifest in a harmony over time. And all of us are made for each other.
In this module, you’ll discover:
The meaning of stone in Judaic and Mediterranean cultures
The importance of the Star of David as a joining of opposites — symbolized by the joining of the downward pointing triangle with the upward
How each of us is a Petros/Petra (Greek words that relate to the word “rock” or “stone”) and why this matters
How to play and drink the elixir of all life to understand how you can hold 2 seemingly conflicting ideas at once so that they create harmony, helping you feel lighter
A guided meditation, “The Wedding Within, The Wedding Amongst” to imagine bringing opposites together inside yourself
Module 5: Cleanse Yourself From Yesterday’s Negativity as You Explore the Temple That Must be Deconstructed (December 10)
It’s long been assumed that the Gospel of John and the Book of Revelation were by the same author. Now scholars see the two writings as coming from different writers, even though the two authors wrote in the same time period and addressed a similar Third Path dilemma.
Alexander John will provide an overview of the Book of Revelation as a telling of the inner work to cleanse yesterday’s temple, and to protect your fresh vision from sliding back into regressive energies that ultimately harm you and others.
You’ll explore imagery from the Book of Revelation along with John’s account of the cleansing of the temple and Nicodemus’ meeting with Yeshua. Each of these illuminates a requisite watchfulness so as not to slide back.
In this module, you’ll discover:
The necessary steps to receive and hold the new vision
A meditation to transform your judgmental inner voice of Nicodemus that can cause you to fear growth
How the Book of Revelation complements the Gospel of John — because when a new vision arrives, there is something within us that fights it unless we’re prepared
Why the ego is frightened by the new mystical vision and how it can now learn a new role to support, and not destroy, the vision
Module 6: Explore the History of the Well and Apply Its Lessons to Your Life So You Can Experience the Radiance of Those Around You (December 17)
You’ll explore the meaning of wells in various cultures, including the text’s account of a mystical well in Samaria.
You’ll understand the story of this well in its original intent and impact on the powerful women’s community of Ephesus. Alexander John will explain how the archetypal woman in this story has been greatly defamed by toxic patriarchy.
Yes, she is considered to be married 5 times but you will learn that this is not a physical, but a spiritual marriage — and why she is being invited to go deeper into oneness.
This is a powerful story that speaks to a pressing inner and outer need today — to approach each other as wisdom figures.
In this module, you’ll explore:
The original face of the woman at the well
How the well is the sacred site of the Samaritans that’s equal to the temple in Jerusalem — and is serviced by a group of women priestesses
A guided meditation, “Greet Wisdom in Its Otherness,” that emphasizes reciprocity and learning from others
Why, even when we can’t always agree on the particulars, we can experience the radiance of others (and ourselves)
Module 7: Walk Through The Garden of Resurrection & Return to Your True Self (January 7)
As this journey comes to an end, you’ll explore the themes of weddings and new creation.
Here, the Garden of Resurrection — where Mir-y-am (Mary) of Magdala meets the Gardener — holds all the elements of John’s mystical vision and telling of a Third Path experience.
The Garden of Eden is restored and open to all, serving as the perfect end to your exploration of Aramaic and Middle Eastern mysticism.
Just as the Christian story is the universal story, so are the noble truths of Buddhism and all other religions and traditions — because when you go beneath the particular characters of the story, we’re all walking the same path.
In this closing module, you’ll:
Learn the entire summary teaching of the gospel of John
Explore the biology and metaphor of gardens
See the mystical garden as an image of paradise in the Middle East
Discover the lessons of the Third Path viewed in Mir-y-am’s grief, vision, and meeting the Gardener (Christos)
Return to yourself during a final guided meditation, “Be an Ever New Garden,” in which you’ll discover that the way to this new garden is through becoming even more embodied and ordinary
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