Course Description
Robert G.Allen – The Money Tree Formula
There is Good News and Bad News.
Here’s the Good News:
If you’re an average person who is earning at least $25,000 a year, then you’ll
earn in a lifetime over a million dollars. YOU’RE A LIFETIME MILLIONAIRE!
That’s Great News.
Here’s the Bad News:
If you’re like most people, your million dollars of lifetime earnings will evaporate
as fast as you earn it, day by day. And . . . after a lifetime of earning, you’ll end
up almost penniless. Now, that is really bad news-a lifetime of work and no
money left to show for it.
But, it does not have to be that way for YOU!
You can plant a money tree in your own backyard and start heaping the
harvest day by day, which will last your lifetime, and probably the lifetime of
your kids and grandkids, too.
If this is so, then why doesn’t everyone plant a money tree?
Frankly, nobody teaches us how to.
No one teaches the average person MONEY 101.
Have you ever had a class in money? Think of it. There are many critical
money skills that people should learn to help them become financially
successful. We look at our society and say, -It’s so hard to get ahead! and it is,
but it does not have to be. Why isn’t there a mandatory MONEY class in every
elementary school?
Without a universal class in money . . .
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